Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito (MIM) – Bologna, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l’Emilia Romagna
Mansioni ente appartenenza
Istituzione di distacco - DG - Sede
European Commission – Education, Sport, Youth and Culture (DG EAC) – Brussels
Mansioni in distacco
My main tasks are linked to the field of secondary and higher education, as a policy officer. Specifically, my mission is to foster innovation in education sector designing and coordinating ad hoc initiatives to meet the skills’ gap between schools/universities and the job market across the EU Member States.
Therefore, as an expert, I am a team member of cross-unit working groups that aim at implementing these topics in the curricula. Moreover, I lead projects to boost innovation at higher education level, such as the HEInnovate initiative, a tool foreseen under the European Universities strategy.
Titoli di studio
1. Ph.D. in Educational Sciences – Vrjie Universiteit Brussel – VUB (Belgium) – 2021
2. Post-graduate master’s Degree in Organisation and Management of Human Resources – University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum – Faculty of Political Science (Italy) – 2003
3. Master’s Degree in Political Science – University of Naples L’Orientale (Italy) – 1999